Friday, October 18, 2013

Crockpot Lemon Garlic Chicken (Whole)

Lately I've been experimenting with my crockpot. Especially since I discovered that I can freeze things...I know. Novel idea. 

My latest Pinterest recipe was a hit with the hubby so I thought I would share it. 

Crockpot Lemon Garlic Chicken

There should be a slight disclaimer - if you don't like lemon then you certainly aren't going to like this. In the future I think I'm going to cut down on the lemon and add a little more chicken broth into the mix, just because the flavor was almost overwhelmingly strong to me. Keep in mind, though, that I am it may just be my over-working olfactory senses living up to expectations. 

I got the original recipe from Pinterest - the link is here

The recipe calls for a whole chicken, 2 heads of garlic, 4 lemons, fresh Rosemary and some seasoning. 4 lemons may have been a bit overboard...but that's up to you to decide. 

Now, the recipe says to halve your garlic heads...I don't know who came up with this or what level of magic they were practicing at because halving garlic heads is impossible...seriously. Impossible. I tried. And failed quite miserably. In my mind it was a lot practice the garlic head just exploded all over my kitchen into individual cloves that were unscathed by my knife. I was not the happiest lady on the block...

Once I calmed down and Alex came to the rescue we decided to just chop the garlic cloves in half. Time-consuming, but still a lot faster than exploding garlic clean-up. 

After my garlic fiasco I  followed the recipe as it was written and it worked wonderfully. For my seasoning I used a random steak seasoning that was in my spice cabinet - I would imagine that pretty much anything would work. 

I added a little chicken broth to the bottom of the crock pot before putting the chicken in (because my crockpot has this lovely habit of burning things if they're too dry...) and then i occasionally basted the chicken with more chicken broth. 

All in all I was very satisfied with this recipe and got enough meat off the chicken to make three meals out of it for the two of us. Sweet!

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