So, obviously since this is my first baby I've never done a baby registry. I've done wedding registries (so much fun!), I've done the wish lists, but baby registries are like a foreign language.
Babies in general are a foreign language to me, but I'm diligently taking my courses (via Pinterest and a plethora of books). However, when it came down to it those books and pins just didn't tell me what I needed. Sure, there are a ton of great blogs out there that gave me some great tips on what to put on the registry (one even told me how many onesies and socks I would need for each month...) but when it comes to registering it's mostly left up to personal preference.

I thought initially that it was going to be fairly simple - just find someone's list on Pinterest and copy and paste it into my registry! Once I got started, though, copy and paste had to be thrown out the window. "
What brand of swing do I want? What color of swing do I want? What price range is good for a swing? Do I want a swing that's also a bouncer? Do I even want a bouncer? Do I want a bouncer that rocks AND Bounces?..." and on, and on, and on...
My final conclusion? Babies are hard.
I did my research (a.k.a. looking through every category under baby on I came to some general idea of what I needed and wanted. I made about five different lists on five separate occasions (I'm one of those people...I make four different grocery lists...). Then I decided I just needed to go to the store.
As Alex and I waded through the aisles of Target and Walmart with our handy little scanner-gun, we ran into other people that seemed just as lost as we were...not going to lie, this made us feel a little better about ourselves...We scanned and re-scanned, added and subtracted, and probably visited every aisle about 10 times (each...) for about 4 hours of our Saturday.
We left feeling like we'd just visited Russia for the first time, and not the good, touristy parts of Russia. The scary part of Russia where nice, innocent tourists get lost and can't find their way out of ever again.
Since that Saturday I've probably added and taken away more items from the registry than I can count...but I've come to the conclusion that I'll never be done editing it. Between the multitude of diaper and bottle variations and brands alone I could be editing this for eternity...Unfortunately I don't have that long.
But the thing that keeps coming to mind is that by God's grace generations upon generations of mothers have been able to raise their children without all of this stuff. They didn't have bouncers or swings or changing pads and they managed perfectly fine. So take heart all you newly discovered mothers! It's not about what brand of swing you get, what diaper brand you choose or how many onesies you have. It's about raising Godly children that live happily and healthily, by His grace alone.