Saturday, June 28, 2014

Little E's Monthly Pictures

So I have to play catch-up on these, since Little E is almost 3 months old already. 

I've been doing monthly pictures for E. Pinterest is a wealth of ideas for monthly pictures. A wealth, I tell you. If you can think of it, it's been done and is pinned on Pinterest. Originally I had thought that I was going to do the onesie sticker idea where you get a giant sticker for each month that you stick on the front of a onesie and then you take a picture with it. I went on the hunt for onesie stickers and decided that I didn't like any of them. Nothing against them, I just couldn't find the one that I wanted for the price that I was willing to pay. 

I still hadn't found something that I really liked even after E was born, and the 1 month mark was approaching fast. I really liked the idea of using a chalkboard, but didn't have a chalkboard and wasn't sure where you could buy one for a decent price. I was talking to my Mom about my predicament and all the different options I was thinking of and explaining to her how I was going to have to search for a cheap chalkboard when she remembered that she had a chalkboard in the attic. The thing that made the chalkboard absolutely perfect was that it was made by my uncle that E is named after. Uncle Tadd died in a diving accident when he was young, and I was never able to meet him, so Alex and I thought we would let his memory live on through E since he was the first boy on my Mom's side since Uncle Tadd. It only made sense that we use his chalkboard. 

Mom and I got a white sheet from Walmart, dug out the chalkboard and voila! 
Monthly pictures = done. 

Eventually I'll make a book out of the pictures with things that stand out in E's development for that month next to the pictures. 

Love it!


1 Month

2 Months

(Flint the cat wanted to help point out that E was 2 months old...)

Baby E Has Arrived!

...he arrived 11 weeks ago. Anyone who's had a baby will understand that blogging with a newborn is difficult. The people that do - I give you props. The people that don't - I totally understand...and I am one of you. Not to mention Alex graduating and our big move to another state that happened 3 weeks after he was born! was a lot of work. But now we're getting all settled in and Little E is happy and healthy and we're all settling into a day to day routine. Yay!

So Little E is the cutest. Ever. I may be biased, but I'm absolutely positive that he's the cutest. Ever.

Take a look-see for yourself:
4 Days Old.

6 Weeks Old.

8 Weeks Old.

11 Weeks Old.
So. There you go. Cutest baby ever. 

And he's all mine :) 
(In case you're wondering - those are just a tiny fraction of the plethora (literally plethora...I can't even count them all...) of pictures I have taken. It was really hard to decide which pictures to put in this post because they're all so adorable!)

Alex and I are loving being parents. It's not easy, but it's so worth everything. Just one smile and we both totally forget that we hadn't slept very much the night before, or the frustrations of trying to figure out how to keep this mini-human alive when he's crying and we have no idea why. He's a true gift from the Lord and we thank God for him every, single day. 

God is good.